“ LEAF is Vitality, Fresh Feeling. ”
– Benson Yip

Leaf itself is plant, with Vitality, a feeling of freshness. And the green book symbol of growth and hope for a more modern symbol of environmental and social justice.
From the seeds sprout. Carefully planted. slowly grow, grow beautiful leaves in order to form a fruit.
Interior design in the same careful planting, start with the design of each project is funded by the AU buds accumlated bit by bit, through problem-solving process, and the building of successful program to customers, to creat a better environment.
Leaf and life are the same journey in life growing up and kept from the heart, the same idea is creat the ideal environment to be able to accumulate wealth, creating a rich life.
Leaf interiors Limited, from the heart made the concept of respect for the customers understand that the same should respect the creative design, engineering is completed, the same customer satisfaction. This is the most successful win-win goal.